Registrations for the 2024/2025 Season
Kooringal-Wagga Athletics Club runs both a Tiny Tots program as well a Little Athletic 6’s to U17’s program for children aged between 5-17 years each Friday Night from 5 pm at Wiradjuri Reserve (temporary track whilst Jubilee Park is under redevelopment).
All Little Athletics registrations must be completed online at Little Athletics NSW (LANSW). Please note all Junior athletes (see Registration Age Table below) registered with LANSW will automatically include the Athletics NSW(ANSW) memberships and visa versa.
📣📣📣KWAC’s First Competition Night – Friday 18th October 2024📣📣📣
Please be advised Point Scoring and 50% participation will commence from this date
Step 1. Apply for your active kid’s voucher…/apply-active-kids-voucher before starting the registration process and/or have your active kids voucher number handy as you will need this if you want to claim your $50 Active Kids Voucher when registering for Little A’s.
Step 2. CLICK HERE to Register online (please do this at least 12 hours prior to collecting pack- this will ensure your pack is made up in time for collection)
Cost to register: Tiny Tots $120 or Under 6’s to U17’s $140.00 – even less if your are using your Active Kids Voucher!
Step 3. Order uniforms please go to Team Stack or CLICK HERE . Search for Kooringal Wagga Athletics Club, request access to site. Once access has been granted proceed to order all uniforms. Please note purchases can be swapped if the sizing is not correct.
Step 4. Collect your Registration Pack and any uniforms at the next Friday Club Night Meet. Packs will be available to collect from 4.30pm at Wiradjuri – please arrive early to collect your pack.
!!!!!NEW MEMBERS PLEASE NOTE OUR REGISTRAR WILL NEED TO SIGHT PROOF OF YOUR CHILDS DATE OR BIRTH– we will accept the Blue Hospital Book, Birth Certificate, Passport or Immunization record – Rego packs will not be released until proof age age has been sighed!!!!
Step 5. Sew or pin all relevant patches on uniform!
Step 6. First Club Competition Nights starts on 18th October 2024 at 5pm – arrive by 4.30-.4.45pm for a 5pm start – please arrive earlier if you still have Rego or uniform orders to collect AND to assist with setup AND HAVE FUN!
******Once the season commences all athletes must have their bib numbers displayed in order to enter the grounds and partake at Club Nights. Those who do not have their bibs will not have their point score or attendance be recorded*****
As part of the online registration, you will be asked if you wish to access the NSW Government Active Kids Voucher which provides $50 per school aged child towards activities, including athletics. Ensure you have applied and received your Active Kid Voucher from Service NSW before commencing the Athletics Registration process. Click here to Apply for your Active Kids Vouchers through Service NSW.
Please read important information below:
Club Competition Point Point & 50% Participation will begin from this date – please refer to our Handbook on more information on Point Score & 50% participation.
Arrive 15-20 minutes beforehand to assist with setup and for the athletes to completed their warm up.
Please note that Point Scores records for each child will commence date to be advised. Point score will only be recorded for registered athletes only. Refer to the Handbook for further details. All registered athletes must have their registration bib on the front of their uniform.
Our Club fees for the 2024/2025 season
Tiny Tots – $120
6’s to U20’s – inclusive = $140.00 per athlete
If you are a first timer to Little A’s (Tiny Tots to U17’s) and have not previously been registered with a Club, you are encouraged to attend two Come & Try after which time you must register in order to continue to attend further Club Nights.
Please ensure you have registered for your Active Kids Voucher and use them at the Checkout. Children aged from 4 1/2 years and registered to attend school the following year are eligible to apply for the Active Kids Voucher. See below for more information on how to apply for the Active Kids Vouchers.
Please note that Point Scores & 50% Participation will be recorded for athletes who are fully registered with the Club from the 18th October 2024.
IMPORTANT: All registered athlete must collect their registration bib and attached this to the front of the uniform in order to compete
Once your child has been registered, a registration pack containing a Registration Bib, Age Patch and Coles Patch will be made up and can be collected on the Rego Pack Collection date/s as listed in your registration confirmation email or on the Friday Club Night.
In order to expedite the collection of the packs please ensure if you are a new member to bring along your child’s proof of age document (Birth Certificate, Passport or Hospital Blue Book) to be sighted by our Registrar and all members are to complete the Working With Children Declaration Form .
With relation to the Working With Children Declaration form unless you have ticked a blue box on the first page of the Working With Children Check form you do not need to provide a WWCC number however you are still required to answer the questions on the second page of the form and sign the declaration and hand it in to the Registrar. IF YOU HAVE TICKED A BLUE BOX, THEN YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE US WITH A CHILDREN CHECK NUMBER.
It is a requirement for our club to hold a Working With Children Declaration on file for each person over 18 years old.
New Simplified WWCC Policy
In the interests of promoting child safety within the sport of Athletics, the Board of LANSW has implemented a new WWCC policy which will expand the categories of individuals requiring the NSW Government’s WWCC.
From 2022/2023 season onwards, it is a requirement that anyone in child-related roles working or volunteering with children under 18 years obtain a WWCC and provide their Centre with a valid WWCC Number. It is also a requirement to provide this to LANSW when working or volunteering with children under 18 years at LANSW sanctioned activities and events.
Parents/guardians are exempt when spectating or directly assisting with their child’s age group, when their child is present. When parents/guardians volunteer at a club day or association carnival where their child is not in the event, they are required to have a WWCC.
The main elements of the new policy are:
1. Volunteer parents age managing where their own child is not an active participant will now require a WWCC Number to coach or age manage in the Season, regardless of whether they have a child in a different age group
2. All Officials (except those aged under 18 years of age or not a parent as detailed within this policy) who are working at Centres or events, including carnivals and championships, will now require a WWCC. Parent helpers who assist Officials at LANSW events, including Zone and Region Championships, will need to have met their respective Centre-level WWCC requirements.
3. Paid coaches will require a paid WWCC. Note that the NSW Office of the Children’s Guardian (OCG) advises that paid work includes any form of remuneration such as allowances, gift vouchers or other forms of payment
4. Volunteer coaches without a child actively participating in the coaching activity will require a volunteer WWCC.
5. Committee members, Zone and Regional Coordinators taking part in a child-related activity without their child actively participating (ie the same event) are required to obtain a volunteer WWCC.
a. Jane is a volunteer age manager of her daughter’s under 10 age group. Jane does not need the WWCC because she is volunteering in an activity in which her child participates. December 2021 Updated September 2022 Page 2 of 6
b. Joan is a volunteer age manager of her daughter’s under 10 age group, and is an official at a Championship carnival. Unfortunately, Jane’s daughter is either not competing that weekend or not taking part in the event Jane is officiating at. Jane is required to have a WWCC because she is volunteering in an activity in which her child is not participating.
c. Dakota is a parent who is assisting her son’s under 17 age group raking a sand pit on a club day where her son is actually participating in the same event that involves the sand pit. Dakota does not need the WWCC because she is volunteering in an activity in which her child is participating.
d. Jeff is a volunteer age manager for his daughter’s under 15 age group. He also coaches sprints at the same Centre, which his daughter does not participate in. Jeff needs the WWCC because he coaches a team/activity that does not include his daughter.
e. Marty coaches athletes in the senior club that are 20 year olds. Marty does not need the Check as over 20s are not children.
f. Jacob is a Zone coordinator. If Jacob has no interaction with children, then he is not required to have a WWCC, but if he participates in any interaction, such as medal presentation, he requires a WWCC.
g. Sarah works in the canteen or cooks on the BBQ. Her tasks do not place her in direct one on one contact with children. Sarah does not need a WWCC